Sunday, September 12, 2010

Rough Draft to Task One

When I think of my father, I think of a man of great standards. A man that was an inspiration to anybody he ever met. His name is Luaono Fouina Nuuleifi. He was born July 26, 1948 and rested May 6, 2010. He was the pastor of Alofa Tunoa Church. He spoke the truth when it needed to be heard to people, even if they didn't want to hear it. He's the best dad I could ever ask for. A strong man in many ways. When he passed, my whole family was devastated. During my fathers battle with his health, he always managed to pull through. When he didn't, it was a shock to everyone. Never knew it was going to be like that. My father was a great inspiration to me, and everyone he spoke the too.

My father had a heart transplant, two strokes, and type two diabetes. When I say all that people think, "Man, how is this guy still alive?" My father would say to them, "Because of the Glory of God." He was a man of God. The only thing that always kept him going, was believing in God. Really he was suppose to be dead. In fact, he did die. Twice. When they did the heart transplant the doctor said he was not suppose to survive, but my father did. On his second stroke, his whole right side of his body was paralyzed. He was put in a wheel chair.

When he was in a wheel chair everything started to change. He had to be helped in everything he did. My whole family was with him every step of the way. New day to day changes for my father was difficult, but always kept his head up and pushing forward. Knowing that he has to stay strong for his family, and he did. I remember every Sunday when we're getting ready for church. I would say my dad was the pickiest man I ever met. But by the time everyone was ready. My pops would be looking so "Fresh." He was known for having some of the best suits in Samoa. So you can say my dad was a good looking guy.

The man was strong and a hard worker. The reason why he's so special to me was that he always inspired me to do better in whatever I do and nothing less. He was always trying to find a way to support our family. He would work everyday with my mother to give us a place to live and eat under. Whatever my brother and sister and I needed. He was always there. Even to the church, he would find out anything to help out a family in need. If it was financially or spiritually, he would always be there for someone.

My father always treated his family right. He would always make us laugh in funny little things he'll be doing. I remember once when I left him in the living room to use the restroom. I come back out, and I find himself sneaking in the kitchen and snacking on some chips. It was the most funniest thing, because when I caught him, we both started laughing and couldn't stop. Me and my dad ended up in tears by the end of that. He was a sneaky guy. Always brought a smile to our whole family.

When I think of him now. Writing this paper about him, brings back so much memories. A man of great standards always comes to mind, but not only that. As a father as well. As a big inspiration in my life and my families. As a man that was always there when u needed him. Luaono Fouina Nuuleifi, a man that will always be in my life forever.

I love you Dad.

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