Sunday, December 12, 2010

Evaluation on Task 4

·                     What is the thesis for your paper?
The thesis for my paper is, “When I was younger my mother read to me, and it made me want to read more.

·                     List the main points you make in your paper.
I make the points that reading and writing is valuable to our country and this world, and how Fredrick Douglass fought for his freedom by learning how to read and write. Then I talked about my experiences I had in my life about reading and writing.

·                     What was the most helpful advice you received from your peer evaluation?
Is to just add more detail and stick to the main subject and have a good flow between paragraphs.

·                     What was the most helpful information you received in class for your paper?
Just stick to the main subject and have good details.

·                     How many drafts of this paper do you think you wrote and how/when did you write them? For example, did you compose at the keyboard, did you write lots of notes to yourself, did you pre-write or outline, did you write in small chunks of time or sit down and produce an entire draft at one sitting?
I think about 2 drafts, and I wrote them about three days ahead of time. I typed it all on the computer, always kept it on the computer. I wrote a lot of notes too because I was talking ab out Fredrick Douglass.

·                     What would you do differently with this paper to make it more effectively, or what did you try to do that you just don’t think you got a good handle on?
I would probably rewrite how I went into every paragraph, because I want to do it better. I think I didn’t do good in that part.

·                     What are most pleased with about this paper?
The fact that I got it done, and how I learned more about the history of our country, and I thought I did pretty well about it. 

ENG 100 Evaluation

If your reading and writing practices have changed since this class, how have they been modified because of English 100?
I think my reading and writing has become better through the time I was in the class. The way I write and read, it seems like I look for more details to write about because Ms. Chastain would ask for more, and I’m glad she did because I have become better at wring my papers.
How have you become a better reader and/or writer?
Yes I have become a better reader and writer.
How has the blog encouraged you to write more thoroughly or has it not?
Yes it has, because if I don’t, I probably wouldn’t get all my points.
What did you like about having a blog in a reading and writing course?
I liked it because it gave me time to think about what I had to write. It was nice because it gave me time, and it didn’t have to be done by the end of the class.
How is the blog similar to a journal? How is it different from a traditional journal?
It’s similar because it is basically writing but instead your typing your thoughts on a computer and not a paper, and its different from a traditional journal because your typing it.
What kind of experience have you had for English 100? Please explain.
Experiences I had are basically, just a lot of memories because every assignment I wrote about was mostly about my mom or dad. It was personal because when I wrote about my dad I really missed him. Just talking about him and telling his story. Than reading the stories in the books made me think about life after I read them. Like how serious the struggle was in the stories and then how they overcame the situations that they went through.
What would you like to see change with this class including the smaller writing assignments and/or the task papers?
Nothing really, I liked the way it is.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Jeshurun Nuu
Ms. Chastain
ENG 100
December 5, 2010
Task 4
            The value of reading and writing to our country is greatly needed, not only to the development of our country but to life it’s self. I don’t see this world functioning without it because; we use it in our daily lives. Reading a news paper, painting a picture, writing the news papers, books, signs for a sense of direction to where to go. Reading and writing matter’s to what we all comprehend on what we do. The value of reading is very important to everybody in this world we live in. Without it, I doubt that our country would have got far as it did.  When I was younger my mother read to me, and it made me want to read more.
I always liked writing and reading when I was younger. From the first time that I knew I liked reading was when my mother use to read stories to me from the bible. I was lucky enough to have a mother who started reading to me early. I loved hearing it, and sometimes she would make me read. When I started reading the bible most of the words were challenging, because it was a different language.  When I read I was always interested in what the stories had to tell me. The adventures Moses and Israel had traveling, or the man named Samson who was so strong he can bring down a whole building.  Many of the stories made me want to read more. In high school, they made all of the kids be accountable of for reading books. I thought it was easy compared to all the students who had a problems reading.
Three days ago I read How I Learned to Read and Write a story on how Fredrick Douglas had to struggle to learn how to read, and later on write. He went through so many situations, you would think he wouldn’t survive, but as the story said, he was a kind and smart boy. He was smart to make friends with white poor boys in the street. He brought bread to them as long as they gave him lessons on how to read. He tried to learn how to read for a purpose, and it was to be free. Free from slavery and all the wickedness that came with it. When I think of him today, I think of him as a determined man who is trying to better his life, and get away from slavery. I think many people, not just African Americans, appreciate him. I think his determination and will to learn how to read and write, is a great inspiration. He showed us how to break away from what is wrong, and to do what we must to succeed at what we want to do.
Through reading and writing Fredrick Douglas found a way to be free, and we found a way to express our feelings by writing. He learned how to write by writing the initials of the ships based on where they were going (Douglas141). Unlike Douglas, I had someone to teach me. My mother helped me pronounce every word that was hard. Douglas had  learn by white boys on the street. I would think learning how to write now days would be easier for everybody because slavery is not going on. People are not threatened if they want to learn something that will improve your life. He was not allowed to learn, we are encouraged too. That’s why Douglas wrote stories about his life situations to express what he had inside his heart.  If he was still alive today, I would think he would take advantage of every opportunity he was given.
When I think of why people read, I think because of knowledge and entertainment. For Fredrick’s reason, it was knowledge. For mine, it was entertainment.  I loved reading and liked reading for the adventure that the story brings; the fast pace, edge of your seat stuff. It gets me away from everything and just lets my imagination go free.             Fredrick on the other hand read to be free. He learned that in reading, comes great power, the power to be free and to be his own man. He did more than just take his freedom back, but take his life back that he never had the chance to experience.
Fredrick Douglass sensed that words can be a powerful way to change a life as well as changing history. Reading and writing is a great deal not to just Fredrick Douglass, but to all of us as the future. Today in society, reading and writing is surrounds us all, and is basically our history. Reading and writing is what we do every day, and is easier than it was back then. We have schools that accept anybody, no matter what color you are. Today our society encourages us to succeed. In Fredrick’s time, they were not allowed to learn. They were nothing more than just slaves. They were never given a chance to learn how to read or write. Today we have a choice and are free to read and write as we please.  I took the opportunity and wrote this paper to express what I feel on my experiences that I had with reading and writing. I now love to read, and writing is also getting to where I like it more.  Reading has been a big thing in my life as well as writing. It is just a way to express and to learn new beginnings every day.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Jeshurun Nuu 
Mrs. Chastain
ENG 100
Nov. 8, 2010
Inna City
            Inner city schools today are not being supported very well throughout the country. They don’t have the supplies, teachers, or just sometimes the heart to even still want to go to school. Students are not being helped, and teachers are not really caring for what they do in class. Other schools might have the advantage over inner city school, such as suburban schools. Some of those schools have everything new that you can think of, that belongs in a school. They have new supplies, teachers that care, and a building that’s really new. They get supported from the city, unlike the inner city schools. They barely get supported by anybody.
            In the book, (Savage Inequalities: Children in America’s Schools,) written by Jonathan Kozol. He sits in a classroom, on the East Side of St. Louis, in an inner city elementary school observing the little kids that come to school. Condition of the school is in horrible shape, and that many inner city schools don’t really care about the student’s education. He also tells us that many classes also stand out in a school like this one.
A teacher by name the name of Mrs. Hawkins seems to be the one that influences many of her kids. Her class seems to be the most fun for all the kids, because they seem to be more comfortable around them. He tells us that their faces seem to brighten up every time they come to Mrs. Hawkins class. Mrs. Hawkins is one of those teachers that want their students to become something in their lives. She buys most of the supplies that the class needs with her own money, also helping parents earn their GED, and the church choir. She’s basically a light for the inner city school students. She does everything she can to give them the best education they can have.
When I was in middle school, my family moved around a lot. I moved from Independence to a Kansas City school. When I was in Independence I went to a school called Pioneer Ridge. The school was amazing; mostly everything in the building was brand new. It was a new building with a Green House. The school also had two gyms, everything was just really big. Than when I moved to an inner city school, called Nowlin, you could tell the difference about both schools. The school was really old, and the other thing was that when I went to Pioneer Ridge. There were a lot of white people, than when I went to Nowlin. There were more black people and Mexicans. Nolin was very poor compared to my school in Independence.
Making the transition from school to school hurt me. It made it hard for me because I had to catch up with everything I missed when I transferred to Nowlin, but they ran into a problem. In one of my classes they ran out of books to give out. So I and another student had to share books. In Independence, they would have had a copy for everyone. Many students today in inner city schools run into this problem or even worse. The City and the community need to support the schools. I think in order for us to thrive and succeed more as a country, we need to help the future generation get it together and get a better start.
When I say that the community needs to support the inner city schools, I mean they have to stand behind the schools and guide them. Give them the best that they can have out of everything. Have fundraisers to but new supplies, just little things that can help them or encourage them to do what it takes to finish school. Try to set good examples, and set up activities in school so that the students would have a better chance at not getting tempted to join a gang. Inner city schools always lose their students to the streets or just dropping out because they don’t want to do it anymore.
The city also cuts many of the financial money that the school needs to do in school and out of school activities. The reason for that is because the students are not doing well on their test scores. I believe the reason for this is that teachers as well as students are not putting enough effort to actually learn.
The suburban schools also don’t really deal with the violence that the inner city schools deal with. The student’s from the inner city school also get influence by their surroundings. Many gangs and just drugs that they always been around. The suburban schools don’t really have to deal with that. They’re surrounded by a safe community and people who really care about the students education. The inner city schools don’t really have that kind of support. The inner city schools need the support so they can have at least a chance to succeed in life.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Work Cited Page

Kozol, Jonathan. Savage Inequalities: Children in America's schoools. New York, New York: Crown    Publishers, Inc., 1991. 40-53. Print.

Monday, November 1, 2010


Respond to the class blog, an analysis of one of the three essays you read for Friday.
Read “Save Inequalities:  Children in America’s Schools” by Jonathan Kozol (57-67).
What i read from page 40 to 52,in Kozols book, the story was mainly saying that schools now days in the inner city are not being supported by the people who need need to support the school. Some teachers are slackin off on the jobs they're suppose to be doing, and the condition of the school is in bad shape. The school systeme is basically not doing its job, but in on class, Mrs. Hawkins. Is hope to most of the students. Students in her class seem to be moree happier than they are anywhere else because she helps and pushs them. Trying her very best to do what she can for her school. She a very good example of what people need to do to support the school.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010


One aspect that Kozol examins is that when he was doing research or just watching the kids, they are more happy when they come to Ms. Hawkins class. She's also a teacher that does so much for them, because she bought a lot of supplies for them and just other supplies with her own money because the school was to poor or just took to long to buy the supplies for the students.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Analysis????? hehe

 What is analysis? How do I analyze an essay?
Analysis to me is somthing like going over a story or something you wrote.  And to analyze an essay is by going through the story and seeing whats it about and to find any mistakes that the writter has made.

Response to Question

Why did you decide to come to college?
The reason i decided to come to college is because my family wanted me too and that i  wanted to try and get a better education. I alwalys told my self that i was always going to go to college. To play football and plus to get a better education.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Evaluation over Task Two

What is the thesis for your paper?
The thesis for my paper was, all of her family had a good education , but my mother was one that didn't get to finish school.

List the main points you make in your paper.
My mother had to drop out of high school to help her mom take care of her grandma. She never really got the chance to finish it. Put her family first before her education.

What was the most helpful advice you received from your peer evaluation?
Just that I needed to explain on the times of the events that happened.

What was the most helpful information you received in class for your paper?
Just that i need to be sure i explain things correctly and accuratly.

How many drafts of this paper do you think you wrote and how/when did you write them? For example, did you compose at the keyboard, did you write lots of notes to yourself, did you pre-write or outline, did you write in small chunks of time or sit down and produce an entire draft at one sitting?
Only about two, and about 3 days ahead of the deadline, and i just did a little outline and free writed a couple sections.

What would you do differently with this paper to make it more effectively, or what did you try to do that you just don’t think you got a good handle on?
 Nothing really, but if i made more mistakes i'll take the time to correct them but im pretty comfortable with my paper.

What are most pleased with about this paper?
Just that i explained a little of my culture and that i talked about my mother.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Refecting and Interpreting: "Becoming Educated"

What I have learn from Barbara Jordan's early education was that she really had to work hard to keep up with here fellow class mates and school work. The decision that she made was that, she's basically working overtime on every thing she does. Staying up late at night, and studying harder and longer than anyone else. Basically, Barbara is just trying to work hard because its really tough trying to keep up in law school.

Monday, September 27, 2010


There particularly womans stories because men would probably always think different from what women have to say in there stories, and the equvilent would be men just needed to do something else. Or they just dont want to hear what woman have to say, and the person that would probably be telling the guys the story is the grandpa of grandfather.


The person I am interviewing is my mother Siupolu Nuu. The focus I would like to discuss is that it was hard and difficulft for my mother to get an higher education in Samoan. The reason why it was so hard is that Samoa was a tiny island in the middle of the ocean in the south pacific. It was hard to get everything you needed to learn your basic education in Samoa.

Friday, September 24, 2010

A person that i thought writing about is my mother.

 Why are you interested in these subjects?
I'm interested on writing about her because I wanted to lean more about education in Samoa.

What makes him/her interesting and unique?
It makes my mother unique because  theirs not many times that you hear a woman talk about her education, and she's from a different contry.

What sort of questions would you ask and why?
Questions I would ask about to my mother would be, what was the name of the school that you went to?; was it taught in your language or in English? Basically just things that not many people from America know.

What sort of problems do you think may arise for Task Two?
Some problems would be, I would have to call her, and basically have an interview over the phone. Sometimes she would be busy, but not really sure how its going to play out, but we'll see.

What do you anticipate? Why?
I would anticipate that i would learn some new things about my mother, and learn th interviewing process.

What questions do you have for Task Two?
Can't really think of it right now but if i hve some i will ask you in class.


What is the thesis for your paper?
When I think of my father, I think of a man of great standards.

List points that i made in my paper was that my father dedicated his life to God and his family, and that he was a strong hearted man.

What was the most helpful advice you received from your peer evaluation?
To add more details when i was explaing and talkin about my father.

What was the most helpful information you received in class for your paper?
Mostly to just get rid of fragments i had in my paper that made no sense.

How many drafts of this paper do you think you wrote and how/when did you write them? For example, did you compose at the keyboard, did you write lots of notes to yourself, did you pre-write or outline, did you write in small chunks of time or sit down and produce an entire draft at one sitting?
I wrote about two drafts, and wrote them about three days before the rough draft was do. I basically composed my  paper at the computer, with little ideas i had before i started it. Wrote in small chunks at a time, and was basically finished in three sittings.

What would you do differently with this paper to make it more effectively, or what did you try to do that you just don’t think you got a good handle on?
Nothing really, if I was to, i would just add more detail to it.

What are most pleased with about this paper?
I was most pleased about this paper because it was just things i needed to talk about and get off of my chest. I hope i told my fathers story well.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Self Evaluation about Task One

What is the thesis for your paper?
When I think of my father, I think of a man of great standards.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Rough Draft to Task One

When I think of my father, I think of a man of great standards. A man that was an inspiration to anybody he ever met. His name is Luaono Fouina Nuuleifi. He was born July 26, 1948 and rested May 6, 2010. He was the pastor of Alofa Tunoa Church. He spoke the truth when it needed to be heard to people, even if they didn't want to hear it. He's the best dad I could ever ask for. A strong man in many ways. When he passed, my whole family was devastated. During my fathers battle with his health, he always managed to pull through. When he didn't, it was a shock to everyone. Never knew it was going to be like that. My father was a great inspiration to me, and everyone he spoke the too.

My father had a heart transplant, two strokes, and type two diabetes. When I say all that people think, "Man, how is this guy still alive?" My father would say to them, "Because of the Glory of God." He was a man of God. The only thing that always kept him going, was believing in God. Really he was suppose to be dead. In fact, he did die. Twice. When they did the heart transplant the doctor said he was not suppose to survive, but my father did. On his second stroke, his whole right side of his body was paralyzed. He was put in a wheel chair.

When he was in a wheel chair everything started to change. He had to be helped in everything he did. My whole family was with him every step of the way. New day to day changes for my father was difficult, but always kept his head up and pushing forward. Knowing that he has to stay strong for his family, and he did. I remember every Sunday when we're getting ready for church. I would say my dad was the pickiest man I ever met. But by the time everyone was ready. My pops would be looking so "Fresh." He was known for having some of the best suits in Samoa. So you can say my dad was a good looking guy.

The man was strong and a hard worker. The reason why he's so special to me was that he always inspired me to do better in whatever I do and nothing less. He was always trying to find a way to support our family. He would work everyday with my mother to give us a place to live and eat under. Whatever my brother and sister and I needed. He was always there. Even to the church, he would find out anything to help out a family in need. If it was financially or spiritually, he would always be there for someone.

My father always treated his family right. He would always make us laugh in funny little things he'll be doing. I remember once when I left him in the living room to use the restroom. I come back out, and I find himself sneaking in the kitchen and snacking on some chips. It was the most funniest thing, because when I caught him, we both started laughing and couldn't stop. Me and my dad ended up in tears by the end of that. He was a sneaky guy. Always brought a smile to our whole family.

When I think of him now. Writing this paper about him, brings back so much memories. A man of great standards always comes to mind, but not only that. As a father as well. As a big inspiration in my life and my families. As a man that was always there when u needed him. Luaono Fouina Nuuleifi, a man that will always be in my life forever.

I love you Dad.

Friday, September 10, 2010

On Becoming Chicano: Questions for Reflecting and Writing

I would define myself as a Samoan. Bascially the struggles I've gone through, was just helping my parents on just little things they don't know about the American cultrure. Plus, a little help with them speaking English. If my parents didn't understand what people were saying, I would just tell them in Samoan. For my experiences that related to Rodriguez is that I sometimes have problems understanding my parents when they speak Samoan. I understand most of it, but when they try to go beyond what I know. I have trouble. Its also hard for me to speak it. I been learning for a while now, and is catching on to most of my language. When i was little i understood everything, but now I have to refresh it sometimes.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Questions for Reflection and Writing: "How It Feels to Be Colored Me"

A lable I would give myself is silly and happy. I say that becasue I am always making people happy in silly things I do or say. I could compare myself to Hurst by saying I was raised in an all-Samoan community in Park Village, Compton. Being raised in a all-Samoan community was diffrerent when I came to Grandview, Missouri. There were more white people that I have ever seen in my life. When I went to school people looked at me weird when I said I was "Samoan." I guess they never really heard of it. It relates because people looked at me differently. They saw me as a different race they never heard of.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Thinking of Task One

My first idea that comes to me when thinking about writing my first paper is my Dad. Reasons I would write about him is because he was a great inspiration to me. He always supported our family, and did the best he could. If I was to run into some problems, it'll probably be about putting it all together. I always get stuck somewhere on any paper i write about. I anticipate that yes, I'm goin to run into problems and try my best to get through it. I don't have any questions right now but probably later.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Letter of Introduction

My name is Jeshurun Jubilee Nuu, Im 17 years of age, and i graduated from Truman High School. I am currently a freshman at Missouri Western State University. I was born in San Franciso, California. I moved here when I was 11 years old. My parents names are Luaono and Siuplu Nuu. I have a brother name John, and sister named Mau. Im the youngest of my family. My dad passed away on March 6th, 2010. It was a rought time but my family stayed strong. I was born into a religious family that was built on a foundation focused on God.
My writing experiences that I had in the past were pretty good, but some not so well. I'll say, about my senior year was the year i wrote some of my best papers i ever had. When I was a sophmore in high school, it was probably the worst time i ever wrote about anything. Never really focused on the main subject i was suppose to talk about. When i had some of my best papers. It was because i was focused and had help from any of my teachers. So my main focuse is to work hard and ask for help when i need it on writing papers.